Ali Hassan Kuban - Mabruk


"Mabruk" - Ali Hassan Kuban

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  • Artist:Ali Hassan Kuban
  • region:Africa
  • release year:2018
  • style(s):
    • Nubian
    • Soul
  • country:Egypt
  • catalogue numberPIR3166S1
  • formats:
    • Digital only

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Music makes you travel. Back in time, to other countries, cultures and even to a Nubian wedding. Our guide is none other than Ali Hassan Kuban, a unique artist and a leading figure in the modernization of Nubian music, whose name dominated the lucrative Nubian wedding circuit of the 80s. His musical spirit is still living through recordings like the one of his first international debut; "From Nubia to Cairo", now being reissued by Piranha Records.

"Mabruk" (Congratulations) is the first song to be digitally released – a vintage classic that embodies the lively, enthralling melodies of one of Egypt’s vibrant cultures. Imagine Kuban standing in white garments with a microphone – in front of him the celebrating crowd, congratulating the bride, the groom. Kuban’s congratulations are joyful and are coming deep from his heart – overwhelming the listeners with the soulful roughness of his voice. Traditional sounds fused with salsa, samba and Afro-Cuban rhythms, accompanied by strong trumpet, keyboard, percussion and accordion. "Mabruk" masterfully bridges both sides of the musical Nile and dives into the pure meaning of Nubian wedding funk.

"From Nubia To Cairo" has been remastered and will be available worldwide in glorious audiophile 180g LP and CD format on Piranha Records on 16 November 2018.

[ Hassan Kuban_ by Martin Riedel_at Cairo825x455.jpg]

photo: Ali Hassan Cuban (Cairo, Egypt, by Martin Riedel)


"Winding melodies over Western beats—a potent blend of analog Egyptian music with American jazz and pop."

Afropop (Oct, 2018)


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