Bonga - Swinga Swinga


"Swinga Swinga" - Bonga


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  • Artist:Bonga
  • region:Africa
  • release year:1996
  • style(s):
    • Afro
    • Semba
  • country:Angola
  • catalogue number PIR1040
  • formats:
    • CD

In 1995, Angola’s musical ambassador-in-exile brought his pan-Lusitanian ensemble to Berlin for an unforgettable week-long engagement at the Heimatklange festival. This album captures one of those hot summer nights. Bonga’s trademark soulful rasp rides the rolling rhythms, where Brazilian samba mixes with Angolan semba with a hint of the melancholy morna of Cape Verde. Songs of hope and celebration, songs of sadness and the pain of exile, all measured by a positive philosophy that exhorts the audience to join in and sing along. Recorded 102% live at Heimatklänge-Festival in Berlin this records holds not only the appeal of his unique voice but also reveals his unique way of communicating with his devoted audience. Lets go people! Swinga, Swinga!

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