Maurice el Medioni * Godfather of the PianOriental


Maurice el Medioni * Godfather of the PianOriental

Another Piranha artist is immortalized on celluloid:. We just got the news that Eclectic Films Ltd has begun the filming of "Maurice". Over the next year, they'll be putting together scenes of the life and music of piano legend Maurice El Medioni. So far they've shot his concert in Paris at the La Fondation de La Judaisme Francaise on March 2nd and will be filming him again in Paris on March 27th at L'Institut du Monde Arabe where he will be playing with Abdelkader Chaou. In April the filmmakers will spend some time with Maurice in Marseilles.

"We are very excited and thrilled to be filming him at last. This film is about his life and his music and the world events that have shaped his destiny. It will look at the diverse cultural possibilities and musical significance of the fusion of Jewish music, Arab music, Andalucian, Cuban and boogie!" says Clive Myer of Eclectic Films Ltd

Courtesy of Vertigo Films, the co-production partners in London, the film is being shot in digital High Definition.

Find out more about Maurice el Medioni:

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