"The Greatest Albums You've Never Heard" - Boris Kovac & LaDaABa Orchest


"The Greatest Albums You've Never Heard" - Boris Kovac & LaDaABa Orchest

The latest Songlines edition includes an extended feature on "underrated albums" titled as "The Greatest Albums You've Never Heard", where its editors suggest some of their favorite hidden gems.

Among many treasures, our 2001 Piranha release "The Last Balkan Tango: An Apocalyptic Dance Party" by Boris Kovac & LaDaABa Orchest.

It comes as a recommendation from Songlines' editor-in-chief Simon Broughton himself, who among others, mentions;

"This is Boris Kovac's surreal and unforgetable response to the break-up of Yugoslavia. [...] This album has a cathartic power that most definitely endures."

Read more about the album HERE

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