Salamat - Salam Delta


"Salam Delta" - Salamat


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  • Artist:Salamat
  • featured artist:Les Musiciens du Nil
  • region:Orient
  • release year:1995
  • style(s):
    • Nubian
    • Oriental
  • country:Egypt
  • catalogue number PIR0936
  • formats:
    • CD

After the success of Salamats debut record in their second original Piranha release Salamat Joins forces with legendary Musiciens du Nil for a celebration of the musical cosmos created under the bright lights of Cairo. Featured singers are Metqâl, grandfather of the Saisi musical tradition, Nubian wedding animatrice Salma and Arab teenage-star Ahmed Fathy while gypsy brass genius Ferus Mustafov spontaneously decided to join in for some overdubs. Top worldwide music producer Hijaz Mustapha brought it all together in a digital Delta stylee: Go Cairo go!

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