R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe - Shungu


"Shungu" - R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe


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  • Artist:R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe
  • region:Africa
  • release year:1994
  • style(s):
    • Roots
    • Tribal
  • country:Zimbabwe
  • catalogue numberPIR47
  • formats:
    • CD

Wherever they are and with or without 220 volts, Stella Chiweshe and band are delivering the goods. Linked by the hypnotic weft & warp of Mbira (thumb piano) Music which lies at the heart of Shona spirit culture, her lyrics cross the line between the magical and the everyday. With the kick of a traditional western rhythm section or the rippling liquid shuffles of hosho, drums and marimbas, Stella is more than a woman in a mans world riding high in the World Music charts. Nine live favourites of Stella and her band sung in Shona, including three titles never released on a record before.

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