The Klezmatics - Possessed


"Possessed" - The Klezmatics

The Klezmatics: Possessed

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  • Artist:The Klezmatics
  • region:Jewish
  • release year:1997
  • style(s):
    • Jazz
    • Klezmer
  • country:USA
  • catalogue number PIR1148
  • formats:
    • CD

With "Possessed", the first of their albums to consist primarily of original compositions, the Klezmatics have knocked down the walls that are supposed to separate klezmer music from jazz, ska and funk. And while some of the lyrics are traditional, the rest are by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, Tony Kushner (Undoing World), and Yiddish underground legend, Michael Wex ...And who says Yiddish is dead? There are vocals in English and Hebrew, as well as Yiddish, and the Klezmatics music for Tony Kushners Dybbuk is presented here for the first time on CD. The band's commitment to using contemporary musical genres and arrangements to make East - European Jewish culture accessible to a general audience reaches a new peak with this CD. Klezmer larks and capers - highly intoxicant!


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