Anastácia Azevedo - Lumerê Lumerá


"Lumerê Lumerá" - Anastácia Azevedo


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  • Artist:Anastácia Azevedo
  • region:Latin
  • release year:1999
  • style(s):
    • Brazilian
    • Jazz
  • country:Brazil
  • catalogue numberPIR1363
  • formats:
    • CD

Uma Brasileira em Berlim. The singer Anastácia found her way from north eastern Brazil to north eastern Germany a number of years ago. Her education and experience has broadened her musical horizons but her heart still beats to the rhythms of her homeland. She combines Baião, Maracatu, Xoto and Forró grooves with Funk and Jazz influences to create her own style of contemporary Brazilian song, bringing the bright light and warm breezes of the Ceará region to the city streets of Berlin.


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