Mahmoud Fadl - The Drummers Of The Nile In Town


"The Drummers Of The Nile In Town" - Mahmoud Fadl

mahmoud Fadl: The Drummers of the Nile in Town. Cairosonic

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  • Artist:Mahmoud Fadl
  • featured artist:Hasaballa Brass Band
  • region:Orient
  • release year:2003
  • style(s):
    • Oriental
    • Percussion
  • country:Egypt
  • catalogue numberPIR1791
  • formats:
    • CD

Welcome to the adventures of the "Drummers of the Nile", part III. After their southbound journey to the Nubian roots they are back in town, as strong as ever. Join Mahmoud Fadl as he walks down Cairo's Mohamed Ali Street, the famous musicians' hang-out, where he meets up with master drummers Mohammed "Kallo" Sobhi and Magdi Berbish, the Khalil family (flag-bearers of Saidi musicianship) and the legendary Hasaballah Brass Band, the one and only brass band in Egypt. It's a hot time in the old town tonight!


"This is as good as it gets... all subtle, yet adding the magic of how time gets cut to make the heart, spirit and feet move." Sing Out! "

"Sometimes the best CDs are hardest to classify. There are great moments in this evocative and stunningly recorded release"

Global Rhythm 06/2004


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