"…wie im Film!?" - Upcoming short movie screenings


"…wie im Film!?" - Upcoming short movie screenings

"…wie im Film!?" offered youngsters a.o. from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria the chance to reflect their own perspectives and perceptions and realise short films together with experienced filmmakers in a creative collective process.

Current topics, chances and potentials as well as controversial points of view are presented.
The films will be discussed personally with the youngsters and filmmakers after the screenings.

Produced by Piranha Arts.

Past and Upcoming screenings:

Fri. 5th of Aug. 2pm
Jugendkulturzentrum Pumpe
Lützowstraße 42 in 10785 Berlin

Thu. 18th of Aug. 6pm
SolidariGee e.V., Migration Hub
Potsdamer Strasse 144, 10783 Berlin

Sat. 20th of Aug. 4:15pm
in Koop. mit Afrikamera bei der "Langen Nacht der Filmfestivals"
Zukunft am Ostkreuz, Laskerstr. 5, 10245 Berlin

Mon. 22nd Aug. 2016 4pm
Malteser Einrichtung für unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge
Schwarzspechtweg 48-50, 13505 Berlin

Thu. 08th of Sep. 4pm
NUK Marienfelde
Marienfelder Allee 66-80, 12277 Berlin

Fri. 9th of Sep. 12pm
Royal Holloway University of London @ Migration Hub Berlin

Fri. 16th Sep. 6pm
Übergangswohnheim Allende II
Alfred-Randt-Straße 19, 12559 Berlin

Wed. 21st Sep. 11am
Lucas Filmfestival, Zukunfswerkstatt "Film, Flucht und Interkultur"
Frankfurt am Main

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