Solly Sebotso - Rampoka


"Rampoka" - Solly Sebotso

Solly Sebotso - Rampoka (digital single cover)

Album available!

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  • Artist:Solly Sebotso
  • release year:2018
  • style(s):
    • Folk
    • World
  • country:Botswana
  • catalogue numberPIR3165S1
  • formats:
    • CD


‘Botswana Music Guitar’ – the countdown is on!

First single from PIR3165 I'm Not Here To Hunt Rabbits is Solly Sebotso's ‘’Rampoka’’– the story of a person who’s sent to go after someone, gets scared of him, escapes into drinking and still gets praised for completing the mission.

Played over the neck of the guitar which is typical to most of the guitar players of the area, the song perfectly matches the light-footedness of the African melodies with the down-to-earth sound of early acoustic Country Blues – a "Botswana Music Guitar" masterwork that will certainly leave you wanting more.

I'm Not Here To Hunt Rabbits is coming out on audiophile 180g vinyl and digitally as "I'm not here to hunt Rabbits” on Piranha Records in co-operation with The Vital Record on 27 April 2018.


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