The Sabri Brothers & Party - Qawwali Masterworks


"Qawwali Masterworks" - The Sabri Brothers & Party

The Sabri Brothers & Party - Qawwali Masterworks cover

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  • Artist:The Sabri Brothers & Party
  • release year:1993
  • style(s):
    • Qawwali
  • country:India
  • catalogue numberPIR33
  • formats:
    • CD

For more than 400 years the Sabri Brothers have held a high place in Indian music. Throughout the sixties until today the Sabri Brothers -according to their Sufi-vocation- did not hesitate to spread their message of love successfully into the realm of the music business by translating the essence of Qawwali into modern popular music. Their present formation "The Sabri Brothers Qawwal & Party" are the pioneers and founding fathers and greatest exponents of modern Qawwali.

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