Various Artists - Brass Noir - On the Trans-Balkan Highway


"Brass Noir - On the Trans-Balkan Highway" - Various Artists

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  • Artist:Various Artists
  • featured artist:Boban Markovic, Fanfare Ciocarlia, Frank London, Mercan Dede, Boris Kovac, Fanfara Tirana
  • region:Gypsy and Balkan
  • release year:2008
  • style(s):
    • Brass
  • country:Germany
  • catalogue numberPIR2546
  • formats:
    • CD

Take a darkly-lit journey along the underbelly of brass. Here the off-center charm of Darko Rundek, ex-Yugoslavian star in Paris exile, meets the mighty trumpet tones of the Serbian king of brass Boban Markovic and son Marko; Boris Kovac's eccentric Balkan Tango mixes in the grooves with the Carnivalesque Klezmer of the urbane master trumpeter from New York Frank London to create an exceptional audiophile experience.


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