Anastácia Azevedo - Amanaiara


"Amanaiara" - Anastácia Azevedo

Anastácia Azevedo - Amanaiara

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  • Artist:Anastácia Azevedo
  • featured artist:Ze Eugenio
  • region:Latin
  • release year:2004
  • style(s):
    • Brazilian
  • country:Brazil
  • catalogue numberPIR1893
  • formats:
    • CD

Anastácia Azevedo weaves the vibrant rhythms of her homeland in Nordeste Brazil into her songs of the sweetness and sadness of the world, reflecting in her words on the elemental and everyday facets of life: nature, love, children. Together with her partner Zé Eugênio she celebrates the joy and heartache of the urban exile with the life-affirming, melancholy power of Saudade, subtly blending the rhythms of her northeast Brazilian roots with contemporary electronic beats and keeping it all cool, calm and natural.


"Happiness and Melancholy - the duality of Brazil. Hardly any other singer of her generation embodies this so authentically and naturally as Anastácia Azevedo."

F. Teicke, Zitty


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