Frank London - Di Shikere Kapelye


"Di Shikere Kapelye" - Frank London

Frank London - Di Shikere Kapelye

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  • Artist:Frank London
  • region:Jewish
  • release year:2000
  • style(s):
    • Brass
    • Klezmer
  • country:USA
  • catalogue numberPIR1467
  • formats:
    • CD

On this dynamic debut album the Allstars soubriquet is no misnomer. Gathered together are members of the world's leading Klezmer bands - the Klezmatics, Brave Old World, the Klezmer Conservatory Band, Hasidic New Wave, Naftule's Dream, Paradox Trio, KlezMs., Shirim, S. F. Klezmer Experience, Les Miserables Brass Band, and the groups of Andy Statman and David Krakauer - to pay tribute to the legendary Shikere Kapelye (Inebriated Orchestra), a 19th-century traditional Jewish Oriental village brass band that inexorably influenced the course of Klezmer music. A blast of brass to blow the cobwebs off the past!


"The original styles of klezmorim have failed to surface until a number of extraordinary brass musicians were brought together by Frank London."

CD Roots

"If Klezmer King and Malamouk work like the first and last chapters of a history book, Frank London rips put the pages, cuts them up and pastes them back together, William Borroughs style."

Zach Dundas


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