Nasida Ria - Keadilan


"Keadilan" - Nasida Ria

Nasida Ria - Keadilan cover

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  • Artist:Nasida Ria
  • release year:1991
  • style(s):
    • Islamic
    • Rock'n'Roll
  • country:Indonesia
  • catalogue numberPIR26
  • formats:
    • CD

Keadilan is the 23rd (!) album of the all-women band Nasida Ria that combines Islamic Rockn Roll, Indian rhythms, lonely violins and piggy organs. The Qasidah Modern cover versions of Arabic hits set teenagers on fire - from Jakarta to Dar-Es-Salam. Despite (or because of?) moralistic lyrics "Keadila" (justice) is the stuff of which adolescent dreams are made of.

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