BalkanBeats on the big screen * Soko heads to the heart of Balkan soul


BalkanBeats on the big screen * Soko heads to the heart of Balkan soul

We've got big news for you - Robert Soko, founding father of the almighty BalkanBeats is on the road. OK, this alone isn't such big news, since he's basically always out and about DJing around the world, but this time it's different: Soko is joined by a film team and they are planning to take you on a musical journey through the Balkans. The magnificent Magnifico, Asphalt Tango's Kal and many more of your favorite BalkanBeat artists will be visited along the way. Plenty of concert and party footage to be included.
The documentation, which is directed by Esther Gronenborn (, adil) is scheduled to premiere next year at Berlin's internationally renowned Berlinale Festival. In the meantime, Robert Soko & team will keep you updated on facebook with tasty preview tidbits

The unofficial soundtrack for the making-of can be found here:

Piranha wishes you bon voyage!

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