Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mozambique - Marrabenta Piquenique


"Marrabenta Piquenique" - Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mozambique

Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mozambique - Marrabeta Piquenique cover

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  • Artist:Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mozambique
  • featured artist:Wazimbo
  • release year:1996
  • style(s):
    • Marrabenta
  • country:Mozambique
  • catalogue number PIR1043
  • formats:
    • CD

Experts all agree that among the various forms of artistic expression in east Africa it is music above all that is so rich and diverse.

Mozambique is no exception to this assertion.

Marrabenta resolves the apparent contradiction of a very conventional choice of international instruments and a very Mozambican style of playing. This is what creates the magic of the music: a mix of lyrics, dance rythms, hard riffs and fun songs that is unique in popular African music, a mix that is marrabenta...

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