R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe - Ambuya?/Ndizvozvo


"Ambuya?/Ndizvozvo" - R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe

Stella Chiweshe - Ambuya? CD cover

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  • Artist:R.I.P. Stella Chiweshe
  • region:Africa
  • release year:1987
  • style(s):
    • Roots
    • Tribal
  • country:Zimbabwe
  • catalogue numberPIR7
  • formats:
    • CD
    • Vinyl

Stella Chiweshe's first album on Piranha Records: The Mbira Queen of Zimbabwe meets John Peel!

"Sarura Wako" is one of her classic titles that are now played again by the DJs for that crossover post-punk / disco / Afro hipster crowd in the London clubs and beyond.


The original movie picture belongs to Piranha Records archive and was recorded in Zimbabwe during 1984.

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