Tukul Band & Ethio Stars - Amharic Hits and experimental traditions from Ethiopia


"Amharic Hits and experimental traditions from Ethiopia" - Tukul Band & Ethio Stars

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  • Artist:Tukul Band & Ethio Stars
  • release year:1992
  • style(s):
    • Ethnic
    • Experimental
  • country:Ethiopia
  • catalogue numberPIR44
  • formats:
    • CD

Ethiopian music is in its very nature multi-national. In addition to strong Ethiopian traditional roots, other elements derive from various currents of popular music - from soul and jazz to Italian hits and Islamic vocal styles. The result is a completely original kind of contemporary Ethiopian popular music recorded in this Piranha RecordĀ“s release and performed by the best musicians - Ethio Stars and Tukul band.

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